2020 Knit All The Colours KAL/CAL
With 2020 fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to run a year-long KAL/CAL. The idea behind this was to encourage everyone to step outside their usual 'comfort' colours and experiment with ALL of them. Initially, this was a personal goal as I tend to be constantly drawn towards purples and pinks. Mid this year I challenged myself to use colours I don't normally gravitate towards, and I must say it was a lot of fun and my personal colour palette has grown considerably. I've made it my goal to knit with a different colour each month, and would love to challenge everyone to do the same.
Here's how this KAL/CAL works
Each month we have assigned one colour:
- Choose a pattern (big or small) and simply use the assigned colour during that month. For example, in January choose any shade of yellow you like and incorporate it into your project. You might like to knit or crochet an entire sweater out of this colour or add a pop of it to colourwork or a shawl. You decide how much or how little you want to use.
- Share your projects on Instagram using the hashtag #2020knitallthecolors
- Feel free to use ANY YARN, it doesn't have to be Skein.
- If you do use our yarn and you either tag us with #skeinyarn OR post a WIP or FO pic on Ravelry you will be eligible for a prize which we will be drawing each month!
And that is it!
We will also be discounting colourways each month to coincide with the KAL/CAL. An automatic discount of 10% will be applied on all of our in-stock and dyed-to-order yellows to get you started (click here). So let's knit all the colours in 2020, it's going to be fun - I cant wait!
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